Orienteering - Compass - GPS - Surveying - Geocaching

Contact Us

Contact information

If you have general questions or comments about the website, use one the following contacts:

  Mapping Design/Survey Control Data: Jeremy Haws | jhaws@hubbardengineering.com
  Geocaching/Survey Control Data: Aaron Michalenko | amichalenko@hubbardengineering.com
  Webmaster: Jim Crume | jcrume@cc4w.net

Your questions/comments are appreciated and will be logged for review. You may or may not receive a response.


Hubbard Engineering - Mesa, Arizona | www.hubbardengineering.com

Berntsen International Inc. - Madison, Wisconsin | www.bernsten.com

Creative Computing 4 Windows - Tempe, Arizona | www.cc4w.net

alterrus - Mesa, Arizona | www.alterrus.com